Complete Tragus Piercing for Migraines and Headaches Guide

Complete Tragus Piercing for Migraines and Headaches Guide

The absolute frustration of another migraine hitting and ruining another day, week, month is unbearable. We need every tool we can find to give us the clarity that we need to able to work on the deeper parts of healing a chronic disease like fixing our hormones, correcting neurotransmitters, healing our mitochondria and restoring our

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5 Secret Dysautonomia Exercises With Migraines and Headaches

5 Secret Dysautonomia Exercises With Migraines and Headaches

There’s no doubt about it, something is going very very wrong with our culture. The dysautonomia cases I see are often late stage migraine cases. It is the people who have had migraines for a long time that have only been approached with medications… It is almost a part of the progression of migraines when

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Cervicogenic Headache Exercises

Cervicogenic Headache Exercises

Cervicogenic headaches have become one of the most common and annoying headaches known to man because of their connection with the muscles of our head and neck including our back (trapezius, rhomboids, levator and latissimus). But the cervicogenic ones can be some of the easiest to deal with as well. In this article I will

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Pulsating Headaches And How To Stop Them

Pulsating headaches and how to stop them

Headaches and migraines are terribly painful in and of themselves but when they have the pulsating or throbbing quality to them they can be unbearable. It can drive you mad with each beat. Luckily, as long as we know what they are, we will know what to do about them. In this article, I will

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3 Profound Discoveries With Fibromyalgia, Migraines and Headaches

3 Profound Discoveries With Fibromyalgia, Migraines and Headaches

Fibromyalgia is one of the most misunderstood, misdiagnosed and mistreated conditions known to man, right up there with migraine. Luckily, as long as we don’t fall into the commonly held medical view of fibromyalgia we can actually begin to address it through what has been clinically found to work incredibly well. Throughout this article I

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4 Factors That Trigger Autoimmunity, Migraines and Headaches

4 Factors That Trigger Autoimmunity, Migraines, and Headaches

There is an incredibly complex process going on in our bodies, both leading to migraines and headaches as well as to autoimmunity. Luckily, by understanding what causes it, triggers it and “throws gasoline on the fire” we can take steps to avoid falling into this vicious cycle. In this article, I will be covering 4

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TMJ Migraines Headaches

5 Profound clues for TMJ migraines and headaches

TMJ is bad enough when it only causes mouth issues. The problem is that our body is highly integrated and certain systems take priority over others, causing dysfunction that just needs the right perspective to look into. In this article I will be covering 5 profound clues for TMJ migraines and headaches. What is TMJ

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Can Menstrual Migraines With Aura Be Prevented_

Can Menstrual Migraines With Aura Be Prevented?

One of the most common and regular triggers out there is the first day of a woman’s cycle, her period. Luckily these are largely caused by hormones which regulate themselves quite well when supported. In this article I will be answering the question, can menstrual migraines with aura be prevented? What is a menstrual migraine

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5 Massive Tips to stop rebound migraines and headaches

5 Massive tips to stop rebound migraines and headaches

Migraines and headaches are bad enough without rebounds. Once rebounds have started they can be very tricky to deal with as the body is trying to bounce back from the suppressing effect of some medications, luckily there’s a lot we can do. In this article I will be covering 5 massive tips to stop rebound

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The FREE 5 Most Common Mistakes Of Hormonal Migraines E-Guide teaches you:

– Why hormones are the most important focus around why your migraines and headaches keep triggering

– How PMS is common but NOT normal and why it needs to be addressed to be pain free in the long term

– The 5 most common mistakes why hormones stay broken, why so many women become migraine free with pregnancy and why birth control is not a solution