5 Remarkable Causes of Fortification Spectra Migraines

5 Remarkable Causes of Fortification Spectra Migraines

20-30% of all migraine sufferers experience the aural phase which can include a fortification spectra. Luckily, science has been advancing rapidly and we are starting to understand what is going on with our brains when this happens. In this article, I’m going to be talking about 5 remarkable causes of fortification spectra migraines, what it

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Opthalmoplegic Migraines

3 Massive Keys for Ophthalmoplegic Migraines

We can all agree that getting a migraine is bad enough. But when this migraine causes a type of paralysis of our eye, it can make everything that much worse… Luckily if we can understand how our brain is reacting to stress, we can take measures to prevent the build up of getting so bad

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How to stop a migraine aura

7 Essential skills for how to stop a migraine aura

We can all agree that migraines are no fun. But being able to tell when a migraine is coming gives us the upper hand in being able to prevent what’s causing it and stop it in its tracks. In this article, I will be covering what a migraine aura is and 7 essential skills on

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Hypnic Headaches

7 Vitals of hypnic headaches

Sleep is a sacred bond between us and our beds. When that bond gets broken, we suffer. Learning what causes hypnic headaches can keep us from ending up with those 3 am head pain wake up calls. In this article, I will be talking about what hypnic headaches are, what causes them, and what studies

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Migraines, DHEA, Adrenal Fatigue and Exhaustion

Migraines, DHEA, Adrenal Fatigue and Exhaustion

How are Migraines, Adrenal Fatigue, DHEA and Exhaustion related? Every day millions of people around the world suffer in silent, unnoticed pain with migraines. At the same time, millions(if not billions) of people around the world are completely drained and in a deep stage of adrenal fatigue. Here are some common symptoms of adrenal fatigue: Could they be connected? We

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Phantom Smells and Headaches

Understanding Phantom Smells and Headaches

Migraine auras are fairly common and said to happen in 20-30% of the migraine suffering population. But auras and prodromes with phantom smells account for less than 1% of the migraine suffering population. (Study) Some of the smells can be pleasant, and some can be painful to have to endure. In this article, I’m going to

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SUNCT Headaches Syndrome

5 Incredible tools for SUNCT headaches syndrome

Some headache conditions are extremely rare and painful. SUNCT is one of them. This syndrome can attack up to 200 times per day with pain frequently reported as a 9 out of 10. In this article, we will be talking about 5 Incredible tools for the SUNCT headaches syndrome. Let’s start at the beginning. What

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trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias

3 Secret ways of understanding trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias

Nobody wants to have to pronounce trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias(TAC) let alone suffer from one. In this article, we will make 3 important connections between what the TACs are and actionable items you can do about the connections we make. What are the TACs? Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias are a group of primary headache disorders that are

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Turmeric Curcumin For Migraines and Headaches

Turmeric Curcumin For Migraines and Headaches

Turmeric has studies showing its effectiveness for: – Ulcerative colitis(1) – Skin health(2) – Lupus(3) – Alzheimer’s(4) – Metabolic syndrome(5) – Liver toxicity(6) – Depression(7) – Cardiovascular disease(8) – Low serotonin(9) – Chronic fatigue syndrome(10) – Post surgery healing(11) Turmeric is a super star in the natural health world and for good reason. It’s shown

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#1 Best peppermint essential oil recipe for headaches

Essential oils are one of the most amazing man made creations from regular plants and herbs, especially for headaches. Thousands of migraine headache, cluster headache, tension headache and sinus headache sufferers swear by essential oils ability to give them relief from a number of different symptoms like: Pain Tension Nausea IBS Inflammation Sinus congestion Fatigue

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3 Truths of Frequent Ocular Migraines with images

3 Truths of frequent ocular aura migraines with images

An ocular migraine with a scintillating scotoma can be very scary. It’s like a small puddle or smudge shows up in your vision and grows until it finally triggers a migraine. When we want to prevent our brain from triggering this series of symptoms we have to address what is causing the strain on our

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The FREE 5 Most Common Mistakes Of Hormonal Migraines E-Guide teaches you:

– Why hormones are the most important focus around why your migraines and headaches keep triggering

– How PMS is common but NOT normal and why it needs to be addressed to be pain free in the long term

– The 5 most common mistakes why hormones stay broken, why so many women become migraine free with pregnancy and why birth control is not a solution