Nitrates and Migraine Headaches

Nitrates and Migraine Headaches

A study found that the mouths of migraineurs contain many more microbes with the ability to modify nitrates than non migraineurs. What are nitrates/nitrites and why should migraineurs care?  (Nitrates and nitrites are used interchangeably) Nitrates are a small but still significant piece of the migraine puzzle as many migraineurs and studies say that foods with nitrates

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Chronic Migraine Prevention Tips #43

As migraineurs we know there’s something up with our food. We can feel the added stress some meals put on our body, and have a list of the foods that are definites No’s if we want to avoid an attack. But finding the allergies and sensitivities we have can be quite difficult. There are some

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Chronic Migraine Prevention Tip #44

This is a really tough one. But it’s also the most valuable step you can take. Here it is. What if it was to… Take responsibility.  I used to be terribly sickly. Sick every few weeks to months. Chronic cough, looked anemic, migraines that would put me down for the count etc. It’s okay. Right now, everything

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Top 10 Natural Remedies For Migraines

Are there natural ways to prevent migraines from ever happening and even lessen them when they do? Definitely. Do they work on everyone all the time? Definitely not. Why? Because we are all individuals. Migraines are caused by a broad number of things. Here’s just a few: – Loss of sleep – Missing meals – Lack

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Chronic Migraine Prevention Tip #48 Parasites

Our bodies are very, VERY smart. But when the circumstances are right, when we have been sufficiently weakened by alcohol, sugar, loss of sleep, over exercising, travel etc. Then they strike. The problem is that these little critters will become a constant burden on our bodies and can tax every system we have. They will steal our nutrition

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Chronic Migraine Prevention Tip #46 The Engine Light

We’re definitely not a car. But we are quite similar. When the car’s sensors go off it indicates there is a problem with the engine and the engine light comes on. Very simple. We see the engine light on and know that the car needs maintenance just like all cars at some point and take it in

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Chronic Migraine Prevention Tip #52 Circadian Rhythms

Our rhythms control our cycles!!! We are made of rhythms!!! Everything in our body has a rhythm it goes by. From our heart rate, breath rate, rate of peristalsis(intestinal contractions), even things like our brain run on a frequency, our cells and nervous system work in waves etc. One of the most important rhythms we

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Chronic Migraine Prevention Tip #53 Pain Protects

 This was one of the hardest pieces of health for me to wrap my head around… I just couldn’t admit that the pain I was experiencing was something I was doing wrong. It really wasn’t clear to me, why would my body put me in pain on PURPOSE??? But then after some experimenting and talking with health

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Chronic Migraine Prevention Tip #54 Electrohygiene

We know that ionizing radiation like microwaves can cause damage and cancer but did you know that non ionizing radiation like the ones given off by cellphones and wifi routers have been linked to cancer as well? Technology has made our lives much easier but new studies are starting to show that radiation that was

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The FREE 5 Most Common Mistakes Of Hormonal Migraines E-Guide teaches you:

– Why hormones are the most important focus around why your migraines and headaches keep triggering

– How PMS is common but NOT normal and why it needs to be addressed to be pain free in the long term

– The 5 most common mistakes why hormones stay broken, why so many women become migraine free with pregnancy and why birth control is not a solution