As a migraine sufferer myself which came from my mom’s side, I’ve been through the pain, guilt and anguish that often comes with it. This has also allowed me to dive into the deeper root causes for high trigger levels, central sensitization, and the breakdown of systems that often leads to trigger. Read more about my comeback story and what inspired me to help migraine sufferers by clicking here.

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Enter your information here because you want to learn the most valuable and applicable information for dealing with migraines anywhere on the web.

The 10 steps program is a step by step program designed to teach you what causes the break down of our body systems leading to migraines and teaches you simple actionable steps to take to reduce your trigger levels.

The Food Triggers guide clears up the massive hysteria and confusion around food triggers with migraines. It teaches you why they are happening and how to use a simple way of weeding out the bad but keeping the good foods while healing the root cause of food issues which is often the gut.

There are 5 factors that cover the areas that can be having a massive impact on your migraines and headaches that can keep them coming back even with medications… Click here to get this free guide.

There are 5 big mistakes that keep menstrual and hormonal migraines brewing. Hormones are one of the most confusing aspects of migraines if you’re not well educated on them and simply taking birth control is often a recipe for long term problems. This free guide teaches what you need to know and how to go about changing the mistakes that burn out your hormones.

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Turmeric Curcumin For Migraines and Headaches
Migraine Support

Turmeric Curcumin For Migraines and Headaches

Turmeric has studies showing its effectiveness for: – Ulcerative colitis(1) – Skin health(2) – Lupus(3) – Alzheimer’s(4) – Metabolic syndrome(5) – Liver toxicity(6) – Depression(7) – Cardiovascular disease(8) – Low serotonin(9) – Chronic fatigue syndrome(10) – Post surgery healing(11) Turmeric is a super star in the natural health world and for good reason. It’s shown

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3 Truths of Frequent Ocular Migraines with images
Migraine Headaches With Aura

3 Truths of frequent ocular aura migraines with images

An ocular migraine with a scintillating scotoma can be very scary. It’s like a small puddle or smudge shows up in your vision and grows until it finally triggers a migraine. When we want to prevent our brain from triggering this series of symptoms we have to address what is causing the strain on our

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Nitrates and Migraine Headaches
Migraines and Food

Nitrates and Migraine Headaches

A study found that the mouths of migraineurs contain many more microbes with the ability to modify nitrates than non migraineurs. What are nitrates/nitrites and why should migraineurs care?  (Nitrates and nitrites are used interchangeably) Nitrates are a small but still significant piece of the migraine puzzle as many migraineurs and studies say that foods with nitrates

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Migraines and Food

Can A Diet Solve Chronic Migraines? (Part 1)

The 1983 Study that completely eliminated migraines in 78/88 children using just diet… What about the 1979 study of migraineurs that suffered for 20 years and after doing an elimination diet 85% became completely headache free and 100% improved? And the 2007 food allergen study that had 44 of 47 migraineurs completely stop having migraines

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Migraines and Food

The Histamine Migraine Connection

Mary is a 35 year old career minded mother of two. She likes to come home from work, take care of the kids and have a nice glass of wine to relax into the evening. She loves cheese and chocolate but has a feeling the headaches she’s been getting lately could be because of them. She used to

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Migraines and Food

The Migraineur Food Pyramid

We all know there are healthy foods and not so healthy foods. And the science behind food is now well passed foods that are healthy or not, even if mainstream knowledge is still far behind. So why are we developing chronic illnesses like migraines(15%), fibromyalgia(6%), diabetes or prediabetes (1 in 3), alzheimer’s(2%), autism(1 in 68

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This is one of my favorite products for migraines and a start here wouldn’t be complete without giving you a simple way to start filling your nutritional holes. This product has some of the nutrients clinically shown to be lowest in migraine sufferers and many compounds found to be clinically effective in migraine relief.

Thank you for being here and I appreciate you. I am here for you as both a guide and a friend. I want to know how else I can help you. In everything I do with Migraine Professional I truly want to make the Migraine Community a better place.
– Mark
The FREE 5 Most Common Mistakes Of Hormonal Migraines E-Guide teaches you:

– Why hormones are the most important focus around why your migraines and headaches keep triggering

– How PMS is common but NOT normal and why it needs to be addressed to be pain free in the long term

– The 5 most common mistakes why hormones stay broken, why so many women become migraine free with pregnancy and why birth control is not a solution